Monday, June 22, 2015

Robert Hoogenboom on the Gurdjieff Work

Robert Hoogenboom from Australia, dutch Philosopher, longtime pupil of George Adie

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Songs of the Sayyids and Dervishes

Gurdjieff & Thomas de Hartmann - Songs of Sayyids and Dervishes
Artur Andrés,
Regina Amaral,
Mauro Rodrigues

Fourth Way student Dr. James George

Dr. James George, a longtime Fourth Way student.

James George - Asking for the Earth: Waking Up to the Spiritual/Ecological Crisis
James George - The Little Green Book on Awakening

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

In Search of the Miraculous

A film directed by Zivko Nicolic, script adaptation by Milan Peters based on the 1949 book by P.D.Ouspensky. Sidney:Fairway Films in association with Znak Productions Belgrade, 1998, 42 min. black & white. Thoughtfully telescopes Ouspensky's book and glimpses of the teaching he received from Gurdjieff, interspersed with archival footage the Russia Revolution.
J. Walter Driscoll

Gurdjieff filmed in 1949