Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The International School of the Fourth Way

Official Website:

Amazon Link:

International School of the Fourth Way is dedicated to furthering and continually unfolding the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff. Our founding director is Alan Francis who studied the Fourth Way under the guidance of Lord Pentland in California in 1969-1984. He has authority from Michel De Salzmann (1999) to develop new groups and centers.

Workshops are being held in Moscow and Helsinki. He has taught Workshops in such diverse locations as Cuernavaca, Mexico, Los Angeles, Kiev and Beirut, Lebanon. We're Currently developing the first ISTFW center in Spain in 2020.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alan Francis´s views on the Fourth Way

Alan Francis & Debbie Elliott

Fourth Way Gurdjieff Work on Oneself Aleister Crowley Jim & Norma Flynn Tai Chi Magnetic Center Critical Mind Idiots Spiritual Teaching Teachers Essence Personality Commom Sense the WORK Gurdjieff Foundation Los Angeles Lord John Pentland higher man Rene Daumal Mount Analogue Jeanne Madame de Salzmann Gurdjieff Movements dances passive force interval P.D. Ouspensky In Search of the Miraculous Michel de Salzmann schools guilds initiation masonary Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson Dr. Keith Buzzell Fourth Way School in Spain Russia Oregon self observation self-remembering presence observe Japan three-finger-exercise sensing feeling thinking Enneagram working to understand Hamolinadir nature being upstream Daoism soul does exist WILL aim of life on earth the Herald of Coming Good Art Music artistic side of the teaching three centers I AM osiris isis higher body Seekers of Truth authentic teaching Jussi Korkala facebook Moscow group experiment question Peter Brook Thilo Sun Tzu Alexander de Salzmann John G. Bennett syncretic work how to work formatory apparatus Milarepa Daoist tradition immortal embryo chinese brothers akhaldan Law of Seven Inner Alchemy inner pathways Hanbledzoin pineal gland third eye imagination food diagram fire awareness assimilating Air intentional suffering ego Hydrogen crystallization astral body aim Maurice Nicoll sin work for results shocks Georgi Gurdjieff

Alan Francis - Secrets of the Fourth Way

Q and A with M of the Fourth Way

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Master and the Carriage - Gurdjieff

The Master and the Carriage - 1997
The story, a metaphoric description of the human inner condition, begins when a nineteenth century carriage stops at the main square of an unknown city. Night is falling.The carriage driver opens the door, expecting to find his master, but a crowd of strangers steps out.The driver, upset and confused, seeks help from other carriage drivers...He will discover that he is part of a very ancient allegory, the allegory of man compared to a carriage.Thus begins a series of mythic adventures,where his quest can be understood at many different levels, very simple but also symbolical of a much greater meaning.
directed by Cyril Lanier, Therese Goy

Music by Francois Gigon 

Cinematography by Cyril Lanier