Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Pseudoschools - Cults - Sects - Fake Gurdjieff schools - making money off Gurdjieffs Ideas

Antonio Morrocco - Gurdjieff Central

Lewis Almeida - Gurdjieff & Spinoza

Alfredo Offidani - Life Quality Project (Italy, Spain, Germany)

Adam Martnian (real name A. E. B.) - Gurdjieff School Munich

Giovanni Quinti - La Teca - Institute for Harmonious Development (Italy, Spain, Colombia)

Jussi Korkala - ISTFW (Spain, Finland)

Hallstein Farestveit - Linbu Society (Sweden)

Gary Chicoine (Sweden)

Robert Burton - Fellowship of Friends
other names are: FoF, Be, Apollo, Living Presence, Asaf Braverman, Be Period, Being Present, Conscious Evolution, Fourth Way School, Gurdjieff-Ouspensky Center

Samadeva University Idris Lahore (France, Russia)

Uttam Modenes - Escuela Camino 4 (Spain)

Carol Squire - Whidbey Akhaldans Fourth Way School

Writers who presented Gurdjieffs Ideas as their own: Samael Aun Weor, Oscar Ichazo, Jan Cox, Alex Horn, E.J. Gold, Boris Mouravieff, Robin Amis.

many Osho Centers are selling fake versions of Gurdjieffs Movements