Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Pseudoschools - Cults - Sects - Fake Gurdjieff schools - making money off Gurdjieffs Ideas

Antonio Morrocco - Gurdjieff Central

Lewis Almeida - Gurdjieff & Spinoza

Alfredo Offidani - Life Quality Project (Italy, Spain, Germany)

Adam Martnian (real name A. E. B.) - Gurdjieff School Munich

Giovanni Quinti - La Teca - Institute for Harmonious Development (Italy, Spain, Colombia)

Jussi Korkala - ISTFW (Spain, Finland)

Hallstein Farestveit - Linbu Society (Sweden)

Gary Chicoine (Sweden)

Robert Burton - Fellowship of Friends
other names are: FoF, Be, Apollo, Living Presence, Asaf Braverman, Be Period, Being Present, Conscious Evolution, Fourth Way School, Gurdjieff-Ouspensky Center

Samadeva University Idris Lahore (France, Russia)

Uttam Modenes - Escuela Camino 4 (Spain)

Carol Squire - Whidbey Akhaldans Fourth Way School

Writers who presented Gurdjieffs Ideas as their own: Samael Aun Weor, Oscar Ichazo, Jan Cox, Alex Horn, E.J. Gold, Boris Mouravieff, Robin Amis.

many Osho Centers are selling fake versions of Gurdjieffs Movements

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fourth Way Audiobooks - Book Studio UK - Gurdjieff

Meetings with Remarkable Men

Life Is Real Only Then, When “I Am”

Psychological Lectures 1934-1940

Gurdjieff and the Women of the Rope

Kathryn Hulme - Undiscovered Country

The Struggle of the Magicians - Scenario of the Ballet

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Dr. Keith A. Buzzell - 4 Videos on G.I.Gurdjieff´s Ideas

 4 Videos of Dr. Keith A Buzzell discussing Gurdjieff´s Ideas and Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson

The Works of Dr. Keith A. Buzzell

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

most important literature on Gurdjieff´s Sacred Dances - the Gurdjieff Movements

 Maja Möser - My Experiences with Gurdjieff Movements

Maja Möser Homepage

Wim van Dullemen - The Gurdjieff Movements
A Communication of Ancient Wisdom

Wim van Dullemen Homepage

Jessmin & Dushka Howarth - It´s up to Ourselves. 

Gurdjieff Heritage Society

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Gurdjieff Hörbuch - All und Alles - Beelzebubs Erzählungen für seinen Enkel - German Audiobook